Saturday, August 19, 2006

fysk12: most popular song lousy good man

Fysk12 was over like about 12 hour ago........ relief that everything was over .It was really great to be able to hear my song being performed on such a big platform. Plus i won most popular award , thanks all supporters........ and all those that vote for me. thank u thank u hope u guys like the show.

The actual performance was the best the team had produced so far and i am damm proud of everyone. Although hy was a bit disappointed with the glitch for his guitar at the intro , but in fact i tink doesnt matter becos the whole feel was great and we must have touched the audience with our song.

The whole backstage experience was great although hor the waiting time really leeched our energy level.....away , but well we manage to take a lot of photos .... (will post them when i get them from the other ) . This time round i had a very zai violinist playing for me and man it really up my song level to a high level .Her playing enhance the feel of the song . The bridge was also brilliant arranges , kudos to hy ..... In fact everyone did great and alex sang with great feel . I love team lan hao ren!!!!

Din manage to watch the other performance but manage to hear some in toilet (yes u can actually hear the performance in the toilet and thats where u have the best sound haha....). I tink the other songs are also damm zai ,all with different genre likes bossa , rock , brit rock , wu yue tian rock , xiao pin , rnb ..... . Mine is a ballad (yes .... i seem to onlyy able to write ballad)

Manage to take photos with celebrity too .!!! Took photo with derrick ho and shi kang jun ........... never been so close with stars b4 .. hahaha. At least can mipuu the regret i had last time as in din manage to take photo with huang yida... (i am acting kind of imature hor .... but wat u expect , i neber take photo with celebrity b4 lei).

tHats all for now ....damm tired ... will post photos soon :)

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